The Crown Verity IBI42NG-LT Infinite Series 42" Outdoor BBQ / Charbroiler With Light Package brings the precision and performance of commercial kitchens to the outdoor environment. This Infinite Series outdoor grill is perfect for increasing the cooking capabilities of any Crown Verity outdoor kitchen.
The Infinite Series IBI36 features six (6) 14,750 BTUH stainless steel burners and are placed every 5.75" to ensure the most even cooking surface, allowing the grill to heat to temperature within 5 minutes. It includes bun-rack, heavy-duty custom fitted cover and a regulator.
- Gas grill constructed of 304 stainless steel including grids, burners and all
fasteners. - 14,750 BTUH stainless steel tube burner.
- Light package includes heat Indicating LED bezels and halogen dome lights which is custom to the grill.
- Ready to use: ships completely assembled and comes with an insert shell.
ready to drop into an island. - Includes water/grease tray with deflector and drain port to ease cleaning and
reduce flare-ups. - 16 gauge stainless steel radiants that remain in place during transportation
and cleaning. - Battery multi-spark system with built-in ignition system.
- Lift assist technology, making domes easy to open and close.
- Unibody design for lighter weight and added strength.