Aymara Hot Watter Bottle

Pattern Cream Grey

Note: Inner bottle is included.

The luxurious Hot Water Bottle Covers are made from 100% finest Alpaca material. The fiber is raised and woven in its natural habitats of northern Bolivia. Alpaca serves as a natural thermostat. It is hypoallergenic, extremely soft and warm despite its light weight.

The 100% natural Rubber Hot Water Bottle is made from the rubber tree milk sap, a sustainable product due to renewable raw materials.

The patterns and the chosen natural colors are an inspiration of the surroundings of the alpacas in northern Bolivia.

"A pure 100% fine material seems natural to be used directly on your skin. A classic insulated water bottle like this has something pure and honest. The idea for the design pattern came naturally in our explorations and travels in northern Bolivia." - Herman Studio